Upon reading Ferdmans article and going through JRs “Inside Out'' project, quite a bit stuck with me. Hearing about how connected JR got with the people and area in which he wanted to continue his project was inspiring. Seeing how vulnerable he became in order to gain the trust of those around him was really important. Being able to have support from the surrounding community was incredibly important to him. This seems as though it would be important for every photographer to do because it not only gives you credibility but it helps with word of mouth promotion. Then when I looked at the project's website itself it really hit me how impactful it was. The sheer size of it, not only the images themselves but the amount of countries in which those images were pasted, is quite impressive. JR really meant what he said when talking about creating his own art on already existing objects. The fact he was able to paste full vinyl photos on the roofs of houses was incredible. Circling back to how important the community is, those vinyl images ended up helping reduce leaks for those living there. JRs use of people in a community is wonderful and I hope to create something similar of my own.